[CUBE] [MacDV] Re: iDVD3 w/ external drive... Anybody try this?

Thubten Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Sat Feb 22 18:32:59 PST 2003

Say Mark,
I cannot stress enough how easy it is to dangle the internal IDE and 
power cables outside the core and hook up a DVR-105 or a Combo Drive 
via a pair of 6" IDE extension cables and a power supply splitter. It 
took me about 5 minutes to get those lines out and put the core back in 
the case. The extension cables are ready made from 
http://cablesandconnectors.com/ Part number 20278 @ $8.99 + $6 shipping 
and the Power Supply splitters are everywhere for $2. With the parts in 
hand, this Cube "modification" takes a total of 10 minutes to do. I 

Anybody need the details this URL has it all 

Believe me this tutorial is way overkill. It takes way longer to read 
this tutorial than it does to do the "mod". ; ^ )


On Saturday, February 22, 2003, at 11:47  AM, Mark Plunkett wrote:

> Kunga:
> What is the latest? Is there a patch to use a FW DVD burner now?
> Mark

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