[CUBE] My [CUBE] Thinks DVR-105 Outside Is Inside

Hal kastegir at mac.com
Sun Feb 23 09:31:55 PST 2003

Well, the barrier is still whether or not you want the "internal" drive 
outside or not.

No barrier is still something of an exaggeration. If I wanted an 
external drive, I'd get an external drive.


On Sunday, February 23, 2003, at 09:18 AM, Thubten Kunga wrote:

> Well the iDVD 3 patch has taken care of running iDVD 3 without a 
> SuperDrive. I've burned a Video CD but I don't have any DRD-R/RW media 
> yet to burn DVDs yet. My point is there is no barrier between anyone 
> and a DVD burner or Combo drive "inside" their Cube. 12 Screws and the 
> aforementioned cables. That's it. End of story.
> FYI: I found a Samsung 16x DVD read 48x24x48x CD-RW Combo drive for 
> $70 after $30 rebate in another CenDyne Box at Fry's last week that 
> the Cube and Toast recognizes as well. When I want to rip MP3's or 
> burn CD-Rs FAST, I just swap the drives out in 15 seconds and I'm up 
> and running with that superfast CD=RW that can also read DVDs real 
> fast. $240 for both drives.
> k
> On Sunday, February 23, 2003, at 07:21  AM, Bill Fox wrote:
>> Excellent. Thanks, Kunga. Have you used iDVD 3 and burned from it yet?
>> On Saturday, February 22, 2003, at 11:38 PM, Thubten Kunga wrote:
>>> Booted up and the Apple System Profiler says:
>>> "CD-RW/DVD-R
>>> Disc Burning Fully Supported.
>>> Product Identification DVD-RW DVR-105
>>> Vendor Identification PIONEER".
>>> Eject key/F12 works perfectly to both open and close the drawer. I'm 
>>> a happy camper.

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