[CUBE] Slot Load DVD-RW Drives From MCE

Thubten Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Sat Jan 18 20:23:18 PST 2003

So we are not allowed to make negative comments about any more Cube 
adaptable product prices any more on this list? We are a bad Cube 
person if we do? I own three Cubes. How many do you? Who made you, 
Todd, king of Cube list for today?

I think the Cube is not a dead platform. I think it is not a shrinking 
pool of sales. I think it is a fixed pool of sales. If Cube use is in 
decline why can't PowerLogix find 12 Cubes to buy? Why is resale price 
of used and refurbished Cubes at an all time high?

I think that we should all be allowed to write our opinions about the 
continued development of this market anyway we like. How does my 
whining about a $500 DVD-RW drive when I just bought one for $170 a few 
weeks ago hurt the Cube market? How is it so illogical for me to think 
that the price is quite high? And why is it so terrible that I share my 
opinion with everyone on this list?

I could even be wrong. So what? It's just a freaking opinion. Am I not 
allowed to have one that differs from others? Does that make me a bad 
Cube owner not worthy of representing the three Cubes I control?

I think the Cube community is as vibrant and alive as ever and will 
continue to be so for decades to come. When I put a dual 1.2 GHz 
upgrade into one of my Cubes, it will last me for the rest of my silent 
computing life. I am sure there are many others on and off this list 
that think, like me, that Cubes are the ultimate Mac that someone will 
have to tear out of my dead fingers before they gets passed onto new 
and equally quiet and happy homes.


On Saturday, January 18, 2003, at 08:08  PM, Todd Masco wrote:

> I would ask that people stop complaining about the pricing of new 
> products for the Cube.  As much as it pains us here, the Cube is a 
> dead platform.  That means that it has a shrinking user base for 
> cube-specific products, which means that vendors have to recoup their 
> investment from a shrinking pool of sales.
> The price per unit per product over wholesale that vendors will have 
> to charge for customization is only going to go up from here, that's 
> just life.  It's just the cost of staying with a platform that has 
> been OELed.

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