[CUBE] AW: [CUBE] OSX Server on Cube

Alan Thompson athomp2 at mac.com
Fri Jan 31 08:38:42 PST 2003

which is what my cube is.  got 3 clientes.  an ibook 500, a powerbook 
3400, and a dell latitude (my wife's work pee cee).  oh, and the cube 
itself when i'm down there (it's on the lower level of my home, and i 
find that i use it mostly for imovie, photoshop, printing (via cups - 
which rocks) and scanning.  otherwise, flurry just rolls on.....

On Friday, January 31, 2003, at 07:00 AM, Sergei Zak wrote:

> OR are we talking about a server for, say, 2 people in your household 
> ;) <g>
> Then oops!

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