[CUBE] hollywood dv-bridge

Erik Ness erikness at tds.net
Thu Jul 17 11:57:53 PDT 2003

At 8:53 PM +0200 7/17/03, Richard Clark wrote:
>has anyone ever used one of these under osx 10.2 on their cube? just 
>got one as a gift and it seems to work all the right lights ect. but 
>can't get it to give me the preview in i movie. waited 2 years for 
>this thing and now that i get it seems like real garbage.

I haven't used it in X yet, but it worked fine in 9.2.2. I'm not sure 
what the preview is; for me I did "export". You can also tell if it's 
hooked up; iMovei says "something like "CAMERA CONNECTED". Make sure 
you press the little button on the bridge until you get the right 
lights lit up; I also found I often had to reset that button after 
every export.


Erik Ness          <erikness at tds.net>          608-242-7604

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