[CUBE] Apple Employee Posts G5 Specs On Store.Apple.com Site

Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Fri Jun 20 10:43:04 PDT 2003

Apple Legal? You mean PR threatening to pull site Press Credentials 
from the Keynote? Apple Legal has ZERO power in this case. The story is 
what they did - not what it says. They did it themselves. Duh.
We are hosed from too many hits. NOT taken down by Apple Legal. And 
they are certainly NOT globally "pulled by Apple Legal". That is 
outright FALSE information.

Here's an excellent close up that still works <http://coreytamas.com/>


"Apple Employee Posts G5 Specs On Store.Apple.com Site" 
"Verax MDD-FW800 Silence Kit Kills Almost All The Noise" 
"iPod Software 2.0.1 Update Released " <http://www.ipod-zone.com>
"iChatStatus Adds iTunes Song Playing To Your Buddy ID " 

On Friday, June 20, 2003, at 08:09  AM, herr friedl wrote:

> this *.gif file was really existent on the website of the apple.com 
> store on the powermac g4 page.
> all screenshots on the rumor sites were pulled by apple legal.

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