[CUBE] move OS X user home folder?

Joost van de Griek joost at jvdg.net
Mon Mar 10 04:22:39 PST 2003

On 2003-03-10 02:43, "J.C. Webber III" <jcw at kingoblio.com> wrote:

> I did it with a unix symlink:
> cd /
> mv Users Users.orig

Better to use ditto than mv; it preserves HFS metadata and resource forks.

# mkdir Users.orig
# ditto -rsrcFork Users Users.orig

> ln -s /Volumes/Users Users
> and I named that disk Users.

But as I already said, better to change the actual location of the Home
folders in NetInfo. Just linking to a folder in another location can yield
unexpected results (read: cause weird problems).

% cd /pub
% more beer
Joost van de Griek

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