[CUBE] what's the drill again? New HD...

Hal kastegir at mac.com
Tue Mar 11 17:09:56 PST 2003

You could clone the drive over, then do an archive/install off the 
Jaguar CD. That would save your users and preferences, but give you a 
new install of the OS.

On Tuesday, March 11, 2003, at 03:54 PM, Matthew Herrebout wrote:

> Got a Seagate 2MB 120GB. What's a good way to copy over data?
> a) CCC entire current drive (30GB) to 120, re-install OS X.2, update 
> to latest OS version?
> b) install OS X.2 clean on 120, update to latest OS version, 
> painstakingly copy necessary Mail, prefs, etc over?
> The point of this post --> Is there a painless way to copy data so 
> that the new drive has all my users, files, preferences on it, yet has 
> a nice clean updated OS? I'm so-so at command line and want to avoid 
> Permissions Hell, Users Hell and Invisible Files Hell.
> I have an external FW case to put the new drive in.

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