[CUBE] keyboard restart

sthub at abox7.so-net.ne.jp sthub at abox7.so-net.ne.jp
Thu Mar 13 13:30:13 PST 2003

on 3/13/03 11:42 pm, J.C. Webber III at jcw at kingoblio.com wrote:

> Christopher Hack wrote:
>> if force quit won't work, is there any way at all of restarting a cube from
>> the apple pro keyboard? I am so sick and tired of having to get upand lift
>> the cube and fiddle looking for the reset button. Any ideas gratefully
>> received.
>> chris
> yea, dump OS9 and start using OSX.  You won't have nearly the number
> of occasions to restart your computer.
> Sorry, I couldn't resist 8^)

Yes, Hal is right.  Just press the power button for three seconds to shut
down the Cube.  Then, touch it again to restart it.  You can do the same
thing with the power button located on the front right side of an Apple LCD
monitor, if you should have one.  No, don't "dump" OS 9 and start using OS
X.  OS 9 is better.  One just has to be more careful using it.

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