[CUBE] American Keyboard

miln miln at wanadoo.fr
Fri Mar 21 09:42:27 PST 2003

What is the root password? I have never been asked by my cube...
You say the password will not been shown but will the cursor move or not
when I type a password?

> On 2003-03-21 14:24, Allan Hise wrote:
>> On Fri, 21 Mar 2003, miln wrote:
>>> I typed the following (at the place of brooks there is my name...):
>>> [cube:~] brooks% su -
>>>  Password:
>>> Then I don't know what to do, I can't give my password and if I type enter,
>>> it says su: sorry
>>> What's wrong?
>> when you use 'su' you need the root password.
>> when you use 'sudo' you use your (admin) password.
> And the password will not be shown on the screen while you type.
> ,xtG
> .tsooJ

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