Any key for ejecting external firewire burner?

John Labovitz johnl at
Sun Nov 2 08:05:39 PST 2003

On Nov 1, 2003, at 3:39 PM, Lithium wrote:

> I remember when I click eject key on pro keyboard, my external 
> firewire burner's tray toggled open&close. It was just like that by 
> 10.1.5 (maybe).
> I miss it.
> I don't like to press eject button on drive. I rarely use internal 
> dvd-rom drive 'cause it fails ejecting discs so often.

There's a Menu Extra (aka "menulet") that you can put in your menu bar 
that may provide an eject button.  On my wife's iMac, when you click on 
the little icon, it says "Eject Superdrive".  The menulet can be found 

	/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/

Just double-click it to put it in your menubar, then try clicking the 
eject icon.  I'm not sure if it will stay in your menu across restarts; 
you may have to make it a startup item (in your Accounts prefpane).

John Labovitz photography
johnl at
+1 503.873.6734

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