> Confirm that your hardware can run Mac OS X Version 10.3 Panther > Mac OS X Version 10.3 requires a Macintosh with a PowerPC G3, G4, or G5 > processor, built-in USB; at least 128MB of physical RAM and a built-in display > or a display connected to an Apple-supplied video card supported by your > computer. Mac OS X does not support processor upgrade cards. Verify your > hardware is supported from the list below. (check the supported hardware at the URL above) >From Apple's website. No doubt there will be patches, and who knows exactly, precisely what will run and what won't. With what configuration. So, I'm waiting for people who know what this means, other than I, who knows nothing, to start tossing around opinions and wise advice. Nevertheless. Caveat Emptor. Your mileage may vary Offer void where prohibited Earliest postmark wins Batteries not included Don't talk with your mouth full Stop tracking mud over my nice clean floor WAIT TILL YOUR FATHER GETS HOME!! David Sarcastix