[CUBE] best way to proceed...

Joseph B. Gurman gurman at gsfc.nasa.gov
Fri Apr 30 05:27:02 PDT 2004

     Mark Plunkett wrote:

>Off topic, but you guys are nice....
>I have a G3 500 iBook I really only use for travel, going on a trip
>with the family, and was going to load up my iPod library in the iBook
>using Podworks.
>The idea was I could take the ipod with me (fishing), she can listen to
>iTunes off the laptop (while hanging out on the deck).
>Problem: iPod library BIG, available space on iBook SMALL. Both have 10
>gig drives, but OS 9 & X take up a lot of space on the iBook. I ran out
>of space when transferring all the files.
>1) Click and delete individual songs in iTunes
>2) Trash the iTunes library (where is that folder?), and start again
>selecting  certain songs for transfer with Podworks
>3) Put my OS on a diet and do either of above.
>i.e. find all those unnecessary  language, speech, and printer drivers
>to free up space first. Where do I find them???

     Another option, if you have enough time before the trip, is to do 
what I did when my son's 500 MHz iBook started thrashing because it 
was running out of swap space, thanks to his ginormous iTunes Music 
Library: order a Mercury FireWire On-the-Go external 2.5-inch drive 
from Other World Computing (starting at $150 for a 20 GByte drive), 
move the Music Library to the external drive (using iTunes 
Preferences -> Advanced -> change folder location, NOT just a Finder 
move), and just not worry. The On-the-Go enclosure is so small, and 
the short cable so unintrusive, that it's not much more trouble than 
just carrying the iBook around by itself. (If you were Red Green, 
you'd probably duct tape it to the iBook....)

     Happy fishing,

						Joe Gurman

P.S. In the interests of full disclosure, I own six shares of Apple 
stock, so anything that eventually leads to people buying new and 
more capacious iPods could eventually lead to my net worth increasing 
by a buck or so.
"I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they go by."
                                                             - Douglas 
Adams, 1952 - 2001

Joseph B. Gurman, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Solar Physics
Branch, Greenbelt MD 20771 USA

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