Dear Cube Listers, My beloved Cube has recently gone dark - due to my own bit of negligence I'm afraid to say - and I've just ordered the part I hope will bring it back to life, the DC-DC card the Cube uses to convert the Power brick's current to the rest of the machine. At least that's how I understand it. Does the light on the power cord, at the Cube end, light all the time that there is a current present to it (like PB's & iBooks), or is it on only when the machine turns on? I should have observed, this before, but I'd like confirmation from working Cube users. I'm guessing this will be my first bit of evidence that I've swapped the right part in - if it lights after putting in the new DC-DC card. Any thoughts from this infinitely helpful and knowledgeable crew? :: steve hokenson :: miami, fl