[Cube] sonnet encore/st upgrade question - have I got the wrong kit?

Stuart Birchall stuart at zen.co.uk
Mon Dec 20 14:46:56 PST 2004

Hi cubers,

I have just got hold of my Sonnet Encore/ST G4 1.2Ghz upgrade and Cube 
installation kit. However, I'm confused as to why there's a big purple heat 
sink and fan screwed onto the CPU board which is about half the size of the 
cube itself! It looks from the packaging that the upgrade is intended for 
the Powermac models and that a different product is needed for the cube? 
Looking at the install kit instructions which appear to resemble a haynes 
manual, the board looks identical - so can I safely remove the heatsink and 
use the bare board with the cube's own thermal transfer plate? The part 
number is SG4-1200-2M. I can't understand why the UK supplier, 2nd chance PC 
would send me the sonnet installation kit and then completely the wrong G4 
upgrade in the same consignment for my Cube?

Many thanks for any help/advice.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "bryan white" <bwhite33 at speakeasy.net>
To: <cube at listserver.themacintoshguy.com>
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 7:30 PM
Subject: [Cube] cube and tiger OS-X

>I may have missed it but will Tiger and its "Core Graphic" stuff work on 
>cubes and older video cards?
> Thank you in advance
> bryan
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