[CUBE] Mac addiction (was: iDVD hack)

Joseph B. Gurman gurman at gsfc.nasa.gov
Fri Mar 12 05:35:53 PST 2004

     George Pepper wrote, inter alia:

At 5:10 AM -0800 3/12/04, Cube List wrote:
>[When was the last time you bought a brand-new Mac?... My
>Cube, 15" TFT, and 23" HD Display were all refurbs I bought from the
>Apple Store; Got the Xserve off of E-Bay, and the TiBook was used
>through a vendor... Only my G3 500 dual-USB iBook, 5GB iPod, and
>AirPort BS were bought new, and the AirPort was a close-out deal when
>the Extreme version came out]...

     Well, those of use with a less severe habit, and who only have 
one machine at a time, can sometimes afford a brand-new machine. ;-)

     Though I confess to having a serial habit: Apple IIgs -> Mac IIvx 
-> PowerMac 7100 -> PowerCenter Pro 210 -> B&W G3 350 -> Dual 1 GHz 
MDD G4. Now at work, we have everything from Cubes to G5's.... which 
may be what drives my home habit.

     As for iDVD support, while I'm certain Apple gets a slightly 
higher margin off the sale of SuperDrive-equipped machines, their 
main concern is support: how many calls will they get from irate 
customers if they --- or the third party vendors ---  claim iDVD will 
be supported on every after-market mechanism from now on?

						Joe Gurman
"I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they go by."
                                                             - Douglas 
Adams, 1952 - 2001

Joseph B. Gurman, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Solar Physics
Branch, Greenbelt MD 20771 USA

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