[CUBE] OSX forgets window resizing... (little OT)

Alan Thompson athomp2 at mac.com
Tue Mar 30 07:02:23 PST 2004

even if you were to delete all of them, it would happen again.  and 
again.  it's my opinion that the system does not work as designed, and 
is fundamentally flawed.  besides, leaving .DS_Store files all over the 
freaking network shares is rude.  It's a little like, well, never mind. 
  Think dog + sidewalk.

On Mar 30, 2004, at 6:36 AM, Luis Meleiro wrote:

> I have a little free util/app that can turn invisible files into 
> visible (and back again), so I think this would not be a problem. And 
> once this issue is happening to every finder window I open (no 
> specific order or nature), my question is... which ".DS_Store" to 
> delete!?

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