[Cube] Mac mini--> PICTURES

Stefan no-spam at punkt-x.de
Fri Jan 14 03:25:36 PST 2005

Hi Mac mini-interested ones,

I found several pictures from MacWorldSF at

and pages 2 + 3


>... I've done a Cube CPU upgrade, added memory to a Power Mac 8100 
>(ugh: required a motherboard removal), replaced the motherboard and 
>power supply in a DEC AlphaStation 600, upgraded a Mac II to a IIfx 
>(another motherboard swap, plus installing an extra floppy drive), 
>and upgraded a Rev. B iMac. I think I can handle prying the cover 
>off the mini. From the little I've seen so far (such as the 
>disassembled picture at:
>	http://www.apple.com/macmini/design.html ),
>it appears that all one needs is a small, flat-head screwdriver to 
>open the enclosure. And if I mess it up.... well, the 1.25 GHz model 
>is only $500....

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