[Cube] Wireless Cable Modem

Seth Maynard sethwm2 at gmail.com
Fri May 4 03:10:07 PDT 2007

You might find something you want there..

On 5/4/07, Da Pen <macstonelson at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> What are thoughts about the best Cable modem/router
> wireless for our beloved Macs and an errant PC?  We
> just had Charter Cable hi-speed turned up and now we
> need a Mac friendly all-in-one wireless cable modem
> gateway.  It must also serve a PC well.  We have
> airport extreme on a 1ghz G4 powerbook, the other PC
> has windows XP on it.  I hope soon to have an intel
> macbook in my possession.  I also have a Cube with
> airport that will find it's way into this wireless
> network at some point.
> Thanks for all thoughts.
> Dave
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Seth Maynard
Sethwm2 at gmail.com
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