[Cube] leopard and cubes and other stuff{1.6 dual pwrlogx]

Dave Cunningham cngnhmwa at earthlink.net
Fri Oct 26 20:34:53 PDT 2007

my cube is currently running a dual 1.6 ghz powerlogix with 1.12 gb  
ram, with a geforce3  128 mb. it's been running a tad glitchy lately  
with funny video performance on streaming things. should not be,as i  
have decent dsl, even out here in the boonies. other machines on the  
same uplink do not have similar issues. so i figure it may well be  
the unsupported [by invidia] drivers on the geforce [through  
strangedogs as sourced/flashed] . thing is, that route deadends on  
other folks whims. i'm looking at downgrading or othergrading. just  
because what do i do as things grow older and outer, and i'm holding?  
on the funny fringe?

i got a beta of leopard a few months ago from a friend at mit and put  
it on a partition of the hhd, which is another issue,[300 gb, but  
showing way less, despite some efforts] but it ran fine. looking to  
scrub that out and try leopard, but not for a couple of months. my  
feeling is that tiger runs fine, and the multi features that leopard  
offers can use some bedding in. no need for me to be on the bleeding  
edge. but 10.5 [leopard] will run on machines that have sufficient  
material resources, despite age. ymmv.



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