[Dashboard] Re: So which 3rd party Dashboards most impress you?

Jeffrey Stormshak jsstormshak at comcast.net
Wed May 4 10:36:33 PDT 2005

There is another Product used for Virtual Windows by CodeTek Studios 
called VirtualDesktop Pro.  See Link below - I've used this now for 
over (6) months and its works great and uses little RAM (24)MB 
currently as I type.  It also has a Lite Version.  Costs around $40 and 
could also be used for numerous windows as well.


Just some feedback for use of Virtual Desktops to aid in those smaller 
screens and resolutions -

On May 4, 2005, at 10:42 AM, Walt Nelson wrote:

> On May 4, 2005, at 6:57 AM, David DelMonte wrote:
>> I'm afraid to say it but I love the TV tracker and the Dopple Viewer.
>> Also, the translator and the converter are brilliant.
>> Two negatives:
>> 1. I need a 40" screen to see all my widgets, and
>> 2. widgets really eat up a 1Ghz powerbook
>> David
> David,
> I just got a promotional e-mail from Macworld magazine for You 
> Control: Desktops.
>> You Control: Desktops allows you to create as many virtual desktops 
>> as you would like to have. For example, you can create one just for 
>> web browsing, one just for photo editing and one just for text 
>> documents - yet have other applications like iTunes or iChat 
>> available on every desktop.
> Not having used or seen the product... presumably, you could run 
> separate Dashboards on separate "Desktops" to help with your problem.
> Anyone know if You Control: Desktops runs on Tiger?
> http://www.yousoftware.com/support/desktopsfaq.php
> Their website says that it runs on 10.3 or higher, but I doubt they 
> are referring to Tiger since You Control: Desktops is a version 1.0 
> product.
> Walt
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