The guy who has my Duos now.

Gregg Eshelman g_alan_e at
Sun Dec 28 21:42:57 PST 2003

linus128k at

<mailto:linus128k at>

Just in case anyone wants to try and trade him out
of them. :) Dunno if he'd let go of them, he says
he plans to use the Yeager Prototype 280 as a
replacement/upgrade from the 145b he's been using.

Might let go of the 230 engineering sample. Other than
the slightly crooked printing of Macintosh PowerBook
Duo 230 on the lid and lack of lables on the bottom
it looks just like a regular 230.

'Course now I need to obtain a Mac that I can install
the OSX 10.1 on that I got in exchange for the Duos. ;)

"You never have to repair or replace what you leave out of the design."
William "Bill" Powell Lear, inventor of the 8-Track tape and the Lear Jet.

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