[Duo2400] Re: Need Global Village Software for Duo 2300

Grizzlygiant grizzlygiant1 at stic.net
Thu Nov 6 23:25:06 PST 2003

Harbourmaster wrote:
> At 07:01 AM 10/30/2003 -0800, you wrote:
> >Hi:
> >
> >I want to get Global Village's fax software working with a PowerPort
> >Mercury modem in a Duo 2300c running OS 9.0.4, but according to the GV
> >"zombie" website I need GlobalFax 2.5 or 2.5.5, and I can't seem to locate
> >those anywhere (the GV website has the upgrade installer from 2.5 to
> >2.5.5, but not the full install).  Can you please send this to me or tell
> >me where I can get it?
> IIRC the files there that are labled as being updaters are actually the
> full installer.
> Try one and see, can't hurt.
>   --
> Aloha, Ken

Hello All:

I have GV GlobalFax 2.5.5 if you need it.  There is also a lister who
was kind enough to post it on his website.  Sorry, I don't remember his
name, but someone else here might?

If you still need the software, please reply off list and I will help,
although maybe slowly.

Sincerely yours, Grizzlygiant

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