[Duo2400] Re: 2400c/180 and 8.5+

Gregg Eshelman g_alan_e at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 23 22:07:31 PST 2003

--- Chuck Kenney <kenneyc at mac.com> wrote:
> Well I'll be....
> The "system resources" file was causing it.  That
> seems so odd to me, but it
> works.  I pulled that file out, and it boots fine. 
> I drop it back in, and
> it throws that error.
> New one to me.  I've never seen an installer do
> quite that before.  I
> figured it was either something that is disabled by
> shift, or the RAM test.

Ahhhh, yes. The OS 8.5 System Resources file. It likes
to get itself corrupted. Odd that the 8.6 and up
installs didn't trash it.

"You never have to repair or replace what you leave out of the design."
William "Bill" Powell Lear, inventor of the 8-Track tape and the Learjet.

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