[Duo2400] Excel 5.0 won't work anymore!

Clemens P.B. Hladek Clemenseken at t-online.de
Sun Feb 15 11:03:02 PST 2004

Art Rice wrote:

>Hi Folks!
>I need help correcting a software problem. 
     . . .

>The application
>"Microsoft Excel" could not be opened because
>"MicrosoftVisualBasicAppsLib" could not be found.
    . . .

>Can anyone offer any suggestions on how to correct
>this problem?
>Art in Silicon Valley

Hi Art,
your problem MIGHT be that there was a macro (run as "Visual Basic for 
Applications" =VBA ...) attached to the file you copied - or is built in 
in the excel program on this compaq thing.
this is a bit of a wild guess but MAY be the reason for your funny 
message - as Macintoshs do not support VBA as far as i know.
hope i don´t add to your confusion - maybe ask the compaq owner -?!?

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