[Duo2400] Re: Slow Internet question

B G briang113 at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 8 11:42:50 PST 2004

How much RAM do you have? How much is alloctated to
the Browser? Is Virtual memory on or off?
What about the browser cache size, these will all
effect the speed.

--- Ernesto Forcadilla <forca at look.ca> wrote:
> the list of modems in the control panels are
> actually dependent on 
> what kind or brand of hardware you have in your
> computer. I don't 
> think any browser will connect you to the Internet
> without a modem, 
> internal card, external hardware or pcmcia modem
> card. The speed of 
> connections is dependent on your Internet
> connections from dial-up to 
> high speed broadband.
> >  Hello 2400 list,
> >     I'm still trying to figure out extremely slow
> page loading. 
> >that a 486 Wintel machine at 66 mhz is much faster
> than a 133 mhz
> >PowerBook, with or without images, using various
> different browsers, at
> >navigating the web. Paul Simons

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