[DuoList] can't install OS 9.

Brandy brandybndr at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 13 20:25:00 PDT 2005

IF we go by numbers ;-)
2400 comes right after 2300 or rather the logical next step for the Sub 
Notebook Duo Models.... Sadly the 2400 was the end of the Line.
Apple just needed to hang in there and do a little tweaking / upgrading for 
that line of books rather than follow BIG is better (PowerBooks got BIG fat 
and weighed alot just like the PC counter parts)
Some of us went smaller (SonyVaio Super Slim) cause we got tired of lugging 
those fat heavy Lombards, Wallstreets, Pismo.....
Oh and the clam shells...Cute .....loved those buggers, very easy to gut and 
work on!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Goodwin, Greg P." <GoodwinG at aafes.com>
To: "A place to discuss Apple's sub-portable computers." 
<duolist at listserver.themacintoshguy.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 12:58 PM
Subject: RE: [DuoList] can't install OS 9.

Sorry Brandy, I was simply asking something that I have wondered
for a while now.  When I hear about all the issues of the 2400, and the
issues of the Duo 210-2300, they are quite different.

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