Hi Listers I have a 280c and a 2300c with dead PRAM batteries. The 2300 boots just fine with the dead PRAM and will behave itself after the time/date is set. The 280c is not as forgiving but is useable. Any howsomever There was a website that offered Duo PRAM batteries shipped with torx driver and instructions. Does anyone know if the site is still up (I managed to lose the URL) or know of a similar source? >Hey 'List- > >I thought I'd throw in an answer to (Terry's?) question that might >be the key to the whole thing, especially now that Duos are getting >so old: YES a dead clock battery on the motherboard will prevent >booting, prevent the Power Manager reset, prevent ANYTHING from >happening. > >So, if the 30-second PM reset (holding in the button on back with AC >adapter in and removeable battery out) doesn't work, I would make my >next move cracking the beast open and replacing that motherboard >battery. > >Which, of course, is beyond the scope of this email. :) > >Good luck- >David