[DuoList] 2400 finished

VICTORIA.DUGGAN victoria.duggan at ntlworld.com
Sat Dec 3 14:18:49 PST 2005

Hi All

Ok finally got this little beauty sorted. (chickened out on the hdd  
so specs are 2400 240 cpu PPc 603ev 80mb ram  cardbus done. running  
system 9.1 fully updated. with a dell truemobile card for wifi using  
the orinoco drivers.
I run a complete system from a 512mb flashdrive in pcmcia slot and  
also have the vm set to that card at 128mb. The internal hdd is still  
2gb but i have it spun down all the time, and because it is not  
running the battery gives over 1hrs use.  She seems faster than the  
3400 i have with 144mb ram and a new 10gb hdd fitted. but i do not  
want to get into any type of debate over ppc speeds for notebooks.

Thats the spec and i think she is a great little Mac what i would  
like to know is the tweaks to get her running faster and what sort of  
things to run for general use IE: web, mail, music. notes.
I am asking you guys because i am new to the 2400 and even though  
this was the only mac laptop that i have not owned ( apart from a G4  
17" note book and a back lite portable)  she was the most wanted on  
my list and i intend to keep her for general use when out and about  
to give the G4 15" a rest. and because she is so small and cute.

any advice taken many thanks vicki

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