[DuoList] WTTF: 2400c palmrest

Gene Osburn mac4gman at gmail.com
Sat Jun 11 16:13:51 PDT 2005

Hey listas,

Any Comet afficionados out there have extra parts and pieces for swap?  
Just picked up a pretty nice model via ebay with one minor flaw: two of 
the plastic guide hooks on the left inside of the palmrest are broken, 
so there's a small gap in the side of the casing.  Since I'm planning a 
case mod paint project I'd like to fix this.

Anyone have a palmrest and willing to talk swap?  I have a lot of Duo 
stuff (including three disassembled Docks), a small assortment of older 
PB accessories, and even a few Wallstreet parts to offer as trade bait. 
  Any takers?

Also posting this to the LEM Swaplist, of course.

Gene, a.k.a. G-Man
Never swallow anything bigger than your pride

ebay ID: mac4gman

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