[DuoList] Powerbook duo 2300c Hard Drive issues

Sis, Joseph C Jr 1LT NG NG NGB joseph.sis at us.army.mil
Wed Jan 23 23:46:33 PST 2008

I am having trouble upgrading the hard drive in my 2300c duo.

I pulled the working IDE drive from my PB2400c (1.3g w/ OS 9.2.2  
installed via OS9 Helper) and installed it in the duo.  However the  
duo just comes up with the blinking disk on startup.

I tried using Disk Tools via floppy.  Interestingly enough I got the  
message to either eject or initialize the "48.6 mb" drive.  I had  
this message come up at least 50 times in a row until I was finally  
able to somehow escape into the finder.

Disk Tools does not see the internal drive at all.

Disk First Aid sees a "Ram" disk but is unable to do anything with  
the disk - such as repair or verify.

Any suggestions?


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