iPhoto to DVD that will play on TV DVD Player

J J jj4 at sympatico.ca
Sun Nov 24 09:03:12 PST 2002

"This may sound easy for some but sounds really 
hard to me.  How can I export
a bunch of photos from iPhoto to a DVD disc such 
that it will play in just
about any TV DVD player?

First I need to figure out how to just burn the 
pictures on a normal CDR
diisc so they can be played by a Mac or PC user. 
I only have a CDRW drive
in this G4 but wonder if I could take the CDR over 
to a friend that has a
CDRW-DVD and have him burn my CDR to a DVD disc.

Can this be done?"

Yes it can be done. Put all the pics in one folder 
and use quicktime to make a movie. When you import 
the shots you can use the import all and then set 
a time length for each frame to display - say 10 
seconds. Save your new Quicktime movie and run it 
to see the results. You may want to adjust the 
length each pic stays for viewing. The pics will 
all get the same time length, so pick the time you 
want for most of them.

Now import the QT file into imovie and you can 
edit more if you wish, giving some shots more or 
less time by adding copies of it's frame into the 
sequence. You could also put a soundtrack onto 
your film, music or a voice over, maybe a clip 
with intro - whatever you want. From imovie you 
should be able to export a DVD burnable file that 
can go to your friend for burning. The only 
problem I can see is that this uses lots of HD 
space, but once completed you can delete it cause 
you will have it on DVD.


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