Joe- Go to and subscribe to the Titanium list. They cover all the Ti PBs (and up) there, including the 12 and 17 inch PBs. careful, as they are a pretty opinionated bunch there; I've seen some pretty silly flame wars start just over silly stuff. Jay Snoke > Any one on this list using one of the new 12" PowerBooks? I need to > replace my PowerMac G4/400 at work, and a CRT iMac at home, and am > considering using a 12" PowerBook to replace both (as I have spare CRT > monitors and keyboards and mice for a more desktop like experience when > I'm at my main office). I work for a small publisher, so until now, the > cost of the PowerBooks have been out of our budget range, so our > portable world has been limited to the iBook for sales staff, etc. I do > some ad design, using primarily Creator, along with Photoshop and a > little bit of Illustrator. But I also am the technology officer for our > company too, so a portable would have some advantages when I visit our > remote offices. > > So, if anyone on this list is using the 12" PowerBook, I would love to > hear about the things you like and do not like about it. > > Joe > >