iTunes / iPod Question

deepthought dtwc at
Thu Aug 7 05:55:16 PDT 2003


I've just started trying to reorganize my iTunes/iPod library/file
system.  I've noticed that when groups are typed in differently (extra
spaces, commas, etc.) iTunes set up a different folder or directory on
the iPod.  I would expect this.  I had already loaded these files onto
my iPod.  I then went back to my main library on my desktop, went into
the actual album and artist fields to make the corrections to
consolidate the appropriate artists, and updated my iPod.  I would have
expected iTunes to just change the artist/album information by updating
the heiarchy.  Instead, it seems that iTunes just transfers the
corrected song files into the iPod, in fact duplicating them.

Is there an easy way to just have the corrections made or do I just
have to nuke the entire main iPod playlist, and reload my iPod?

Thanks for your responses!

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