[G4] Hard Drive Failure

Johan A Spakaas jspock at macnytt.com
Tue Dec 23 23:41:34 PST 2003

On 2003-12-24, at 05.14, russells at strodtbeck.org wrote:

> are all unmounted. The 120 GB is only about 3 months old. I understand 
> the OS X does house cleaning during the night  when in the sleep 
> mode..it appears it   got carried away... Any help, suggestions would!
The CRON-scripts (house cleaning) does not get run when puter sleeps!

For this to happen set energy saver to never sleep. And HD's do 
malfunction, even new ones. Have you got backups? Then reformat and 
install a fresh system. It could be a software failure as well as 


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