Should be a big difference. keeping data close at hand (and more of it) in the fastest 'pooka' available, is a good thing...shouldn't matter what the application is that uses it, either... I'd assume one of the Macintosh rags should have the results of testing on speed soon. Jay > ---------- > From: Jim Robertson > Reply To: Power Macintosh G4 List > Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 9:17 PM > To: Power Macintosh G4 List > Subject: [G4] New PowerMacs L3 cache > > How much in every day use of programs like PhotoShop, networked FileMaker > databases, and Virtual PC would the 2 Mbytes/processor of the 1.42 GHz dual > processor Macs make compared to the 1 Mbyte/processor of the 1.25 GHz > machines? Are there any discussions of this on the web or usenet? > > Thanks so much, > > Jim Robertson