New G4s for running VPC XP

Jim Robertson jamesrob at
Sun Feb 16 22:23:58 PST 2003

I'm setting up a LAN in our office. It's clear that some of the networked
stuff we'll be running (patient scheduling software, for example, also
paging software, possibly some electronic medical records) will be Windows

I've played a bit with networking between Mac OS X and Windows XP; it's
actually quite easy to set up with Jaguar. I'm wondering whether the extra
L3 cache in the 1.42 dual processor G4s would compellingly accelerate the
performance of Virtual PC. Anyone know?

I have VPC6/Win Me on my Ti400 PB. VPC seems to slow down a LOT when the
Virtual and real Windows machines are networked. Thus far, the performance
of VPC has been adequate on my dual 1 Ghz G4.

Jim Robertson

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