[G4] More CPU for G4 450.

Paul Cooper vze32k8y at verizon.net
Sun Jun 29 14:28:46 PDT 2003

OK but how about this scenario.
I have a G4 400 Sawtooth with a Radeon 8500 video board, 1 G of RAM, an 
ATA 133 pci card and four hard drives( 120, 120, 80 and 40).  I'm not a 
power user by any means but do a little PhotoShop, word processing, 
spread sheets, web prowling mp3s etc. Once the dust settles and the G5 
line shakes out somewhat (12 to 18 months?) I can see myself behind the 
wheel of one of these nifty machines. In the meantime do you folks 
think it makes sense to spend $$ on an upgrade card (powerlogic 1.2 is 
currently about $450 +). Do your crystal ball see a price drop in the 
upgrade cards as the resulting price plummet that people are predicting 
for the G4s or will they hold steady?
I'm in no real rush here but have been giving the upgrade path some 

On Sunday, June 29, 2003, at 04:13  PM, Roger Harris wrote:

> The new G5s are putting new G4s in a whole new price range that make 
> upgrade cards very unattractive.

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