Display Mirroring/Spanning Question

Jeff Hauser cptn_zippy at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 30 20:58:12 PDT 2003

I've got a question...I have a G4 sawtooth with the
standard Rage Pro graphics.  I just hooked up a flat
panel to the DVI, and my monitor to the VGA.  I'd
like to have the desktop span the two monitors, but
only the flat panel will work with my current setup.
(Interesting to note that the VGA montior will work up

to a certain point in the boot process, and then 
they'll switch, with the VGA going dark.)

I assume the card that I have can't do what I want, 
since I don't have "Arrange" available to me in the
Displays part of system prefs.

What do I need to enable spanning of displays?  A
second card, or a newer one?



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