Problem with audiophile 2496

David M. DeFelice ddef50 at
Sat Mar 15 14:20:57 PST 2003

Just got the card. Installed M-Audio on the os9 drive. HD is
partitioned into 3, one for 0s9.2, one for VPC 4 & os9.
Everything was working well. using the "disk Doctor" to transfer
tape to CD. Then I installed it on the OSX side. When I
restarted the os9 side everything worked until I tried to
restart or shut down LOCKUP. Tried diskwarrior to fix problem,
tried the first aid on disk. removed M-Audio from os9 HD no go. 
SOOO.... I just redid the whole HD....everything
gone....reinstall everything...clean sweep.  Now I'm back with
everything but the software that was sent with the card.  I only
want to do this one more time. Anyone know what happened?

Can software be on both partitions?

David M. DeFelice
----G4 733, 768mb, 60gHD,  &  7600G3/400/200-XLR8carrier, OS9.1 & VPC4.0, RATOC-3fire/2usb, maxtor-40G exfireHD, iomega-100 Zip, 768ram, 21"Hatachi-801HR, RageOrion-16MB, EzQuest-16x10x40 firewireCDRW

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