S-video to firewire

David M. DeFelice ddef50 at yahoo.com
Mon May 5 20:13:15 PDT 2003

Have a G4, I want to use imovies to make a highlight tape for my
high school wrestling team. I have a video camera that has
s-video only out. imovie wants firwire.  What can i do?

David M. DeFelice
----G4 733, 768mb, 60gHD,  &  7600G3/400/200-XLR8carrier, OS9.1 & VPC4.0, RATOC-3fire/2usb, maxtor-40G exfireHD, iomega-100 Zip, 768ram, 21"Hatachi-801HR, RageOrion-16MB, EzQuest-16x10x40 firewireCDRW

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