[G4] 10.2.5

Snoke Jay S NPRI SnokeJS at Npt.NUWC.Navy.Mil
Tue May 6 11:49:27 PDT 2003

	I am running 10.2.5 on three different Macs, and I am quite pleased with it. Can you explain just what it is doing that you do not like?  Did you try repairing permissions on your boot disk after the upgrade (using Disk Utility in your Utility folder)?

> I am running 10.2.5 on an iMac 800, G4.  I started with Jaguar 10.2 (CD 
> version) and kept downloading the new versions as they came out.  I 
> have had it with 10.2.5.  It sucks!  I've had nothing but trouble with 
> it and want to ditch it and go back to Jaguar.  10.2.4 gave me no 
> trouble at all.
> How do I go back?  Can I go back to 10.2.4 without the CD version of 
> it?  Do I have to go back to 10.2 since thats the only version I have a 
> CD copy of?  And if so, how do I do that?
> Thanks
> Jerry

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