Panther: To upgrade or not...

Eric Volker ebv1 at
Thu Oct 30 16:34:02 PST 2003

Can anyone give me a compelling reason to upgrade to Panther from 
10.2.8? The only feature that really appeals to me is threaded e-mail, 
and that hardly seems worth $100+. Expose also sounds interesting, but 
doesn't seem to be worth the price of admission. Would there be any 
performance gains on my slightly decrepit Quicksilver 2002 800Mhz? 
Going to 10.2.8 already improved system responsiveness, and a further 
bump would be welcome. The applications I typically use are Safari, 
Mail, iTunes, iPhoto, Cellulo, Neverwinter Nights and occasionally 
Toast. I've also set my G4 up as a  wireless base station with 40-bit 
encryption, and share my broadband connection with my Dell laptop. 
Given that profile, would I really derive any benefit from Panther?


Eric Volker
ebv1 at

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