[G4] defraging a Mac

John Erdman jperdman at earthlink.net
Sun Apr 4 08:23:07 PDT 2004

Jim -
Please do stop lurking and start answering. The more the merrier.

Alex has been very helpful to me. (Thanks, Alex)  I, too, noted his 
tendency express himself in ways that could be viewed as shall we say, 
"incendiary". But after I noted that it was fairly uniform thru all his 
contributions, I finally let it go as just his way of expressing 
himself and perhaps a tad of misbegotten humor. Alex is a valuable 
asses to me and I suspect others. So just letting it go may be the best 
strategy rather than starting a flame war.


On Saturday, April 3, 2004, at 02:24 PM, Jim Davis wrote:
> Why does it seem that every post from Alex drips with contempt and 
> sarcasm?  If you don't have the patience to deal with these simple 
> issues, then just give it up!  There are plenty of more patient 
> experts out there- I'll just stop lurking and start answering.
> Jim.

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