[G4] Affordable SCSI card for G4 MDD

Frank Dutra Frank at NantucketHydrangea.com
Fri Apr 16 18:40:03 PDT 2004

Watch out for the earlier Apple provided cards, they could cause 
sleep issues with the G4s. I have an Adaptec with a 2906 driver that 
was factory provided and works fine.

>Hello all,
>I need a SCSI card to connect my scanner to my G4. It doesn't have 
>to be anything fast or fancy. If it has a 25-pin external connector 
>it'd be great but if necessary I can use a different cable or a 
>cable adapter to connect the scanner. Can I pick just about any (PC 
>or Mac) PCI SCSI card or are my choices limited? If so what would be 
>a good choice?
>Any advice appreciated, thanks,

Frank Dutra running behind his:

G4 Mac 450 Mhz Dual Processor "Gigabit Ethernet"
OEM 30 GB HD with internal 40 GB IBM HD, 256 mb ram
Pioneer 106 (A06) DVD-R/CD-RW, driver patched for OS 9

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