No subject

Shannon Nugent shannon at
Tue Apr 20 10:14:35 PDT 2004

Does anybody know how to correct,  or at least reduce white noise 
levels in audio files?  I  recorded a couple of videos of kids doing 
book talks for my final project and the audio in most of them is pretty 
terrible.  The teacher said she wouldn't knock off too may points for 
that since I couldn't do much to prevent it,  but I still wanna do 
something.   I used my Olympus Digital camera to record the video.  The 
video part is not bad,  considering the camera I used, but the audio 
seriously needs cleaning!!!!!!!!!!  Plus I need a way to boost their 
voices a bit.  They were a little (very) shy and hence sometimes your 
not able to hear them well.

Can Quicktime or iMovie do that?
I'm on a Mac with OS9.2 and 10.2.8

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