[G4] New, Strange Alert Box-correction

John Baltutis baltwo at san.rr.com
Wed Jun 16 11:19:16 PDT 2004

On 06/15/04,  VS <vs1 at dax.nu> wrote:
> At 01.39 -0500 04-06-15, Michael Ron wrote:
>>Has this happened to you? Do you know a fix? Suddenly I'm getting
>>"alert boxes" with the yellow exclamation mark telling me "The
>>document you are opening will open the application "Microsoft Word"
>>(or whatever) for the first time. Are you sure you want to open the
>>application?" Then tells me where the application is located with
>>"Cancel" or "Open". I'm on  a G4, mirror door, 1.25  with OS 10.3.4.
>>It's just started this. I don't know of anything I've done
>>differently but probably did.
> I haven't yet seen this effect myself, but I read that this is a new
> feature in the latest (?) security update of OSX. This is a feature
> to stop unwanted programs to start, and to tell you that something is
> starting for the first time (since the security update).
> As I haven't seen it yet on my computer I am not sure how the "first
> time" is decided. I have certainly started programs, but maybe only
> those in my dock??
> I am sure someone else knows more, and can tell us...:-)

My last post, same subject, got mangled. Here's the corrected version.

See <http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=25785> for information
on the 2004-06-07 Security Update and the alert message.

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