Paul, I've tried to use patchburn, but it says "not needed for this drive" (Pioneer 105 = Apple Superdrive) Lavode, I'm running 10.3.6. Upgrading from 10.3.5 to 10.3.6 didn't make any change. Nor did applying the latest firmware to the drive (1.33) Steve, I've used Pacifist to install DVD player, but still no luck. The thing is that, when I put in a (V)CD, it shows up on the desktop. A DVD doesn't. Looks like the G4 doesn't see the drive as a DVD-reader/burner, just as a CD-reader/burner. Someone suggested to apply the G4 firmware update. Not sure if that would fix it. I've bought a new HD, and I'll install a fresh copy of 10.3.5 on it. Maybe this time it will see the drive (drive was installed afterwards, last time)? Keeping fingers crossed. Thanks for your input! Noel.