[G4] What happened to make Ram shoot above 512?

Snow White jj4 at sympatico.ca
Mon Nov 22 08:08:44 PST 2004

Cheap RAM available to everyone.  Human nature to want the 'most' one 
can have.  OSX using more RAM than any previous system and so do all 
the programs.

That being said, I have run 2 gig and 1.5 gig and 1 gig of RAM and 
found that 1.5 and 2 show little to no difference in speed, even with 
Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Acrobat and a few other things 
running at the same time.  There seems to be a slight difference from 1 
to 1.5 gig, but truely very insignifigant in my case.

If you do buy a shiny new G5 then get ready to belly up with the 
$350-400 to get the 1 gig sticks put in.  This RAM has not come down 
much yet.  And I do not think it will for a while.

As far as what your G4 SYSTEM CAN HANDLE
OS 9      1.5 gig MAX
OS X       2   gig MAX  (as this is all the G4 can fit)

excepting the new desktop G5s in OSX - they can handle 8 gig MAX.
Some G5s can only take 2 gig (new imac) and the 1.6 Mhz is 4 gig RAM

Most limitations on RAM in OSX is physical, and OS9 is software.


On 22-Nov-04, at 9:53 AM, g4-request at listserver.themacintoshguy.com 

> I'm still a little surprised that an even 1GB or RAM is no longer
> considered unusual now -- I was kind of hoping that we'd rest at 512 or
> 768MB for a little while.  What happened to make things kind of shoot
> up past 512, anyway?  Is OSX really eating up so much memory in my
> machine?  Is there an easy way to check, like in the old OS9 days?
> A.

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