[G4] 20" Cinema Display with G4 450 / ATI Rage Pro 128?

Jim Robertson jamesrob at sonic.net
Sat Dec 31 06:49:44 PST 2005

On 12/29/05 1:29 PM, "Jill Lee-Jones" <jillleejones at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm using a Mac G4 450 with an ATI Rage Pro 128 graphics card. Recently my
> Sony CRT died so I'm shopping for a new monitor. Does anyone know if the
> Apple 20" Cinema Display will work with my Rage Pro card or will I have to
> upgrade the card as well? I'm a graphic designer and work with photos so
> image quality is important.

Hi, Jill

You've had two "just the facts, ma'am" answers. I'll weigh in with free--and
worth the price you pay :-) --advice.

If you're working with images in Photoshop on a Sawtooth 450 MHz machine,
you're probably spending lots of time reaching for your coffee cup. If you
are contemplating PURCHASING that 20" cinema display, there are other
upgrades that will cost roughly the same and make you much happier.

Visit <http://www.macintouch.com> and read the "reader reports" section on
monitors, then buy the Dell 2005 (probably $350, depending on what deal you
can get at Dell). You can even splurge on the remarkable 2405 (I paid $770
for mine). You'll have money left towards a refurbed G5 from the Apple Store
that includes a core image-accelerating graphics card.

There are oodles of these Dell LCD monitors available on eBay, but recently
I've done my shopping on Craigslist and been more comfortable with local

Jim Robertson

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